New Beginnings

New Beginnings



If you've found your way here, it's most likely because you've followed my journey in Instagram. However, if that's not the case then my names Jenna and welcome to a snippet of who I am and what I create!

In 2022 my life had gotten to a point of major burnout, health complications, and stress and anxiety had become the forefront of my day to day life. Being a musician and artsy I have always been a creative person but I found that my job was a "creative" role but I spent all my time creating for others and never created anything for me or in my downtime. 

At the beginning of 2022 my husband and I pivoted careers and that allowed me to have more downtime so I wanted to start finding joy again and one of the ways was to just create for "funsies". It was foreign to me lol but to help keep me accountable I started an Instagram account, with the thought of "even if just my husband follows this account that's perfectly okay. My mental health is the main goal! and honestly having other people follow the account was intimidating because what if what I make wasn't any good? lol

quickly I realized that wasn't the case, I had found a community of people on Instagram who related to where I was at and who were also looking for motivation, encouragement, and a positive group surrounding them! 

Through this I found a better rhythm of processing where I was at mentally, and start working on my physical health to reverse some of the results of being overstressed for such a long period of time. In July My instagram account got hacked and deleted after reaching 77k followers - It was not the surprise I ever wanted to wake up to - but it happened.

I was extremely sad at what was taken from me and all of my work being gone so for a month I didn't create anymore and wasn't sure If I wanted to start over. I was experiencing thoughts of (what's the point) or (what if It was a fluke and if you try again people won't really like your stuff) honestly all silly but in the moment they were real reasons. After a month I pushed through and saw how much of a better mental state I was when I was creating regularly (it was my happy place) so I finally created a new account and start back at ground zero.

It was interesting but at the same time I'm grateful for every step of the journey that 2022 brought be through. Surprisingly enough my second account started growing again and I'm incredibly thankful for the community of people that I have! This world is a dark place, but we're so much better together. Encouraging one another and uplifting one another each and every day! 

Excited for all that's to come, and am rooting for each and every one of you wherever you're at on your own journeys! 


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